Ctera Adds Data Theft Honeypot Decoy: Enhancing Data Security

A Decoy to Catch Cybercriminals

Introduction: Ctera, a leading provider of enterprise file services and cloud storage solutions, has recently announced the addition of a new feature to its platform - a data theft honeypot. This innovative security measure is designed to act as a decoy, luring cybercriminals into attempting to steal data that is not valuable, but appears to be, thus allowing organizations to detect and prevent real data breaches.

Understanding Data Theft Honeypots: A data theft honeypot is a security mechanism that uses decoy data to attract cybercriminals and distract them from the real data. It is an essential component of a multi-layered security strategy, as it helps organizations stay one step ahead of potential threats.

How Ctera’s Data Theft Honeypot Works: Ctera’s data theft honeypot is integrated into the platform’s data loss prevention (DLP) solution. It creates a false positive by identifying and flagging certain data as valuable, even though it is not. Once a cybercriminal attempts to access or exfiltrate this decoy data, the system triggers an alert, alerting security teams to investigate and take appropriate action.

Benefits of Ctera’s Data Theft Honeypot:

  1. Proactive Threat Detection: By using a data theft honeypot, organizations can detect potential data breaches before they occur, allowing them to take preventative measures and minimize damage.
  2. Improved Security Posture: The addition of a data theft honeypot to Ctera’s platform strengthens the overall security posture of the organization, making it less vulnerable to cyberattacks.
  3. Enhanced Compliance: With increasing data privacy regulations, having a data theft honeypot in place can help organizations meet compliance requirements and avoid potential fines.

Conclusion: Ctera’s new data theft honeypot is a game-changer in the world of cybersecurity. By using decoy data to attract cybercriminals, organizations can stay one step ahead of potential threats and prevent real data breaches. This innovative security feature is a testament to Ctera’s commitment to providing its customers with the most advanced and effective solutions to protect their data.


  1. What is a data theft honeypot? A data theft honeypot is a security mechanism that uses decoy data to attract cybercriminals and distract them from the real data.
  2. How does Ctera’s data theft honeypot work? Ctera’s data theft honeypot is integrated into the platform’s data loss prevention (DLP) solution. It creates a false positive by identifying and flagging certain data as valuable, even though it is not. Once a cybercriminal attempts to access or exfiltrate this decoy data, the system triggers an alert.
  3. What are the benefits of using a data theft honeypot? The benefits of using a data theft honeypot include proactive threat detection, improved security posture, and enhanced compliance.
  4. Is Ctera’s data theft honeypot available to all customers? Ctera’s data theft honeypot is available to customers who have subscribed to the platform’s data loss prevention (DLP) solution.
  5. How can organizations implement a data theft honeypot? Organizations can implement a data theft honeypot by integrating it into their existing security infrastructure, such as a data loss prevention (DLP) solution. Ctera’s data theft honeypot is available to its customers as part of its DLP solution.