LRU Cache: Understanding and Implementing Least Recently Used Algorithm

By keeping the most frequently used items in memory, LRU algorithm reduces the number of accesses to the underlying data store, resulting in improved performance. 2. Reduced Latency: LRU algorithm reduces the latency by providing quick access to the most frequently used items, improving the user experience. 3. Scalability: LRU algorithm is highly scalable as it can be implemented in various data structures, including hash maps, linked lists, and trees, making it suitable for applications of different sizes.

Conclusion: The LRU algorithm is a simple yet effective caching strategy used in various applications, including web development. By maintaining a cache of items based on their usage, LRU algorithm improves the performance, reduces latency, and provides scalability to web applications. Implementing LRU algorithm in web development involves creating a cache data structure using a hash map and a doubly-linked list. Overall, LRU algorithm is a valuable tool for web developers looking to optimize their applications for better performance and user experience.