Minio Drops Open License for Weka Object Storage

No More Open Licenses for Weka Users

Minio, the popular open-source object storage server, has recently announced a change in its licensing policy that may affect users of Weka, a machine learning platform. Minio’s new policy states that Weka, which was previously allowed to use the Minio Server under the Apache License, Version 2.0, will no longer be permitted to do so.


Minio is an open-source object storage server that is widely used for various applications, including machine learning and data analytics. It provides a simple and scalable solution for storing and managing large amounts of data. Weka, on the other hand, is a popular open-source machine learning platform that is used for data preprocessing, modeling, and analysis.

Until now, Weka has been using Minio Server under the Apache License, Version 2.0, which allows for free use, modification, and distribution of the software. However, Minio’s new policy, effective March 24, 2023, states that Weka must obtain a commercial license to continue using Minio Server.

Impact on Weka Users

The new licensing policy may have significant implications for Weka users who rely on Minio Server for storing and managing their data. Weka’s developers have stated that they are working on a solution to this issue, but it may take some time to implement.

In the meantime, Weka users who are currently using Minio Server under the Apache License will need to find an alternative solution for their data storage needs. Some possible alternatives include Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.

Reactions from the Community

The announcement of Minio’s new licensing policy has sparked a heated debate within the open-source community. Some argue that Minio has every right to change its licensing policy and that Weka should have anticipated this possibility. Others, however, see this as a blow to the open-source community and a step backwards in the evolution of open-source software.


Minio’s new licensing policy may have significant implications for Weka users who rely on Minio Server for their data storage needs. Weka’s developers are working on a solution, but users may need to find alternative solutions in the meantime. The debate surrounding this issue highlights the importance of clear communication and transparency in the open-source community.

Keywords: Minio, Weka, open-source, licensing, data storage, machine learning, Apache License, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.