Northern Data Receives First European Access to Top Nvidia GPUs for AI

The A100 GPUs offer unparalleled computing power, enabling businesses and researchers to run complex AI workloads more efficiently and effectively. 2. Faster Time-to-Market: With access to the latest AI technologies, businesses and researchers can bring their products and services to market faster, gaining a competitive edge. 3. Improved Research: The availability of advanced AI technologies will enable researchers to make breakthrough discoveries in various fields, including medicine, climate science, and materials science.

Conclusion: Northern Data’s securing of the first European delivery of Nvidia’s A100 GPUs is a significant development in the European AI landscape. This development will enable Northern Data to offer advanced AI solutions to European businesses and researchers, enhancing their capabilities and enabling them to bring their products and services to market faster. With the power of the A100 GPUs at their disposal, European businesses and researchers are poised to make significant strides in AI research and development.

Northern Data’s commitment to providing advanced AI solutions to European businesses and researchers is a testament to its mission to drive digital transformation in Europe. As the demand for AI technologies continues to grow, Northern Data’s strategic partnership with Nvidia will undoubtedly prove to be a game-changer in the European AI market.


  1. What is Northern Data? Northern Data is a leading European data center infrastructure provider, offering advanced AI solutions to businesses and researchers.
  2. What are Nvidia’s A100 GPUs? Nvidia’s A100 GPUs are the latest and most powerful GPUs for AI and high-performance computing applications.
  3. Why is the availability of Nvidia’s A100 GPUs significant for Northern Data and European businesses and researchers? The availability of Nvidia’s A100 GPUs at Northern Data’s data centers will enable the company to offer advanced AI solutions to European businesses and researchers, enhancing their capabilities and enabling them to bring their products and services to market faster.
  4. What benefits will European businesses and researchers gain from the availability of Nvidia’s A100 GPUs at Northern Data? European businesses and researchers will gain enhanced AI capabilities, faster time-to-market, and improved research with the availability of Nvidia’s A100 GPUs at Northern Data.