Public Cloud: Ephemeral Storage Can’t Be Persistent -

Why It Can’t Be Persistent

Introduction: Public cloud ephemeral storage, also known as transient or temporary storage, is a type of storage solution offered by cloud service providers. Unlike persistent storage, ephemeral storage does not retain data when the instance is terminated. In this article, we will discuss why public cloud ephemeral storage cannot be persistent.

Understanding Ephemeral Storage: Ephemeral storage is designed for use cases where data is not required to be persisted beyond the lifetime of the instance. It is ideal for applications that require large amounts of temporary storage, such as data processing, testing, and development. Ephemeral storage is typically less expensive than persistent storage and can be easily scaled up or down as needed.

Why Ephemeral Storage Cannot Be Persistent:

  1. Design and Architecture: The design and architecture of public cloud ephemeral storage are optimized for temporary storage. The storage is allocated to an instance when it is launched and is released when the instance is terminated. This design makes it incompatible with persistent storage.

  2. Data Loss: Since ephemeral storage does not retain data when the instance is terminated, it is not suitable for storing data that needs to be persisted. Data loss is a significant risk when using ephemeral storage, and it is not recommended for use cases where data integrity is critical.

  3. Cost: Public cloud ephemeral storage is typically less expensive than persistent storage due to its temporary nature. However, the cost savings come with the trade-off of data loss when the instance is terminated. For applications that require persistent storage, persistent storage is a more cost-effective solution in the long run.

  4. Security: Ephemeral storage is not recommended for storing sensitive data due to the risk of data loss. When an instance is terminated, all data stored on the ephemeral storage is deleted. This can pose a security risk, especially for applications that handle sensitive data.

Conclusion: Public cloud ephemeral storage is an excellent solution for use cases where temporary storage is required, and data loss is acceptable. However, it is not suitable for persistent storage. Persistent storage is recommended for applications where data integrity and security are critical. Understanding the differences between ephemeral and persistent storage can help organizations make informed decisions about which storage solution to use for their specific use cases.


  1. What is ephemeral storage in public cloud? Answer: Ephemeral storage is a type of storage solution offered by public cloud service providers that does not retain data when the instance is terminated. It is ideal for use cases where temporary storage is required, and data loss is acceptable.

  2. What are the advantages of ephemeral storage? Answer: Ephemeral storage is less expensive than persistent storage, can be easily scaled up or down as needed, and is optimized for temporary storage use cases.

  3. What are the disadvantages of ephemeral storage? Answer: Ephemeral storage does not retain data when the instance is terminated, poses a risk of data loss, and is not suitable for persistent storage use cases.

  4. What is the difference between ephemeral and persistent storage? Answer: Ephemeral storage does not retain data when the instance is terminated, while persistent storage retains data even after the instance is terminated. Persistent storage is more suitable for use cases where data integrity and security are critical.

  5. When should I use ephemeral storage? Answer: Ephemeral storage is ideal for use cases where temporary storage is required, and data loss is acceptable, such as data processing, testing, and development.